Featuring a distinctive “owls eye” splat pattern
The seat frames will accommodate over the rail upholstery or slip frames.
Measurement: H: 38", W: 2", D: 17"
Material: Mahogany, cherry secondary wood
Item Condition: Excellent condition
Reference: Two sets of chairs are documented; see Robert Trent, "New London County Joined Chairs, 1720-1790." The Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin, 50:4 (Fall 1985) pp. 154-164. Also see Minor Myers, Jr. and Edgar Mayhew, New London County Furniture, 1640-1840, page 120.
Price: $15,500
SKU 270-140
For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email drh@aaawt.com.
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