Paint Decorated Ballot Box, Lettered: For/Against - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Paint Decorated Ballot Box, Lettered: For/Against

Paint Decorated Ballot Box, Lettered: For/Against

The backboard featuring pierced lollipop finial above down sloping shoulders above dovetail joined case. The top section with oval cutout facilitates the voters’ placement of marble either “for or against” …the white or black marble is received withing the divided dovetail joined ballot drawer. Allover grain painted; we love the poor planning. Note that the painter generously indented “For” not leaving room for “Against” however he made-up-for-it with stylish silhouetted lettering.

Item Date: 19th Century

Measurement: Height: 12"; width: 9"; depth: 4"

Material: Pine, polychrome

Item Condition: Excellent original condition


SKU 879-162

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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