Mixed Media, Forts, Townscape, Riparian View - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Mixed Media, Forts, Townscape, Riparian View

Mixed Media, Forts, Townscape, Riparian View

An unverified view by anonymous artist displaying a colorful village situated along a riverbank… in the distance atop a mountain is seen a large fort and architectural ruins. The work was consigned as a view of West Point from Cold Harbor however it may well be a fantasy picture. We looked at views of Fort Clinton, and the Ruins of Fort Putnam…even Bannerman Castle. We can only present this folky pictures as an unknown location.

Item Date: Second half of 19th century

Measurement: Frame: 25.5" x 18.75"; view: 21.5" x 14.75"

Material: Watercolor on paper, pressed fern tips, gilt frame

Item Condition: Excellent

Price: $4,200

SKU 362-23

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email drh@aaawt.com.

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