English Sealed Bottle Marked R. H. / Andrews - Antique Associated At West Townsend

English Sealed Bottle Marked R. H. / Andrews

Cylinder, dark olive green, slightly tapering neck with tooled lip, string rim

English Sealed Bottle Marked R. H. / Andrews

The bottle is probably from Cornwall and relates to sealed bottles with other Andrews family names, also of the second half of the eighteenth century.

Item Date: 1780-1800

Measurement: Height: 11 1/8", Base Diameter: 3 3/8"

Material: Freeblown glass

Item Condition: Excellent

Literature: See David Burton's book, "Antique Sealed Bottles - and the families who owned them - 1640-1900", page 1041 for details.

Price: $1,450

SKU 843-496

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email drh@aaawt.com.

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