Chippendale Bonnet Top Secretary in Outstanding Surface - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Chippendale Bonnet Top Secretary in Outstanding Surface

New England, Probably New Hampshire

Chippendale Bonnet Top Secretary in Outstanding Surface

Slant-front desk-and-bookcase… In two parts, the upper section with a closed bonnet top featuring a molded cornice surmounted by turned finials above a pair of raised-panel doors The lower section with a slant lid opening to the interior fitted with ten lobed valances over eight cubies above five short drawers, above five additional projecting short drawers of varying widths. The bottom case containing four thumb-molded graduated drawers is raised on a molded base resting on applied bracket feet. The secretary displays successful proportions and verticality.

Item Date: 1780-1790

Measurement: Height: 84"; writing height: 31.5"; top case: 35.75" x 11.25"; bottom case: 38.25" x 20"

Material: Cherry, white pine

Item Condition: Fine condition; period brasses in original borings are second set; one very small drawer lip corner expertly repaired. Original finials survived and remained with the desk. Previous owner had a smaller set fabricated to accommodate ceiling height.

Price: $24,500

SKU 1413-1

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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