Printed by Timothy Green, New London, State of Connecticut
First Edition, Hardcover ACTS AND LAWS OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT, IN AMERICA – Connecticut. 265, [1 blank] pp. [bound with] ACTS AND LAWS, MADE AND PASSED. ON THE SECOND THURSDAY OF MAY, ANNO DOMINI 1784. pp 267-307, [1 blank], [New London: 1784]. [bound with] ACTS AND LAWS, MADE AND PASSED ON THE SECOND THURSDAY OF OCTOBER,
ANNO DOM. 1784. pp 309-315, [1 blank], [New London: 1784]. ending with 30+ mostly blank pages.
Item Date: 1784
Measurement: 7 3/8" x 12"; 315 pp text plus 30 x 2 blank pages of excellent paper stock.
Item Condition: Very Well used, and often mishandled leather-bound copy of an important Conn. publication. Writing, minor drawing, owner's claims, etc. Lots of tears, several pages with loss or multiple tears. This copy has suffered the indignities of time yet remains an interesting primary artifact of early America.
Price: $675
SKU 621-144
For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email
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