Blown Glass Fishing Floats, Pair Found in Gloucester Many Years Ago - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Blown Glass Fishing Floats, Pair Found in Gloucester Many Years Ago

Blown Glass Fishing Floats, Pair Found in Gloucester Many Years Ago

These Closed balls were used to float fishing nets, also used for covers on pitches, bowls, and store jars, thinner walled balls were produced for packing, they were placed upon vases as a support for the rims during shipment. This pair with granny note was bought perhaps 75 years ago in Gloucester… the jelly label states that: “they were old then”.

Item Date: 19th Century

Measurement: Diameter: 5"

Material: Free blown glass, light aqua.

Item Condition: Fine

Price: $285

SKU 879-147

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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