Federal Period Dressing Table, Fancy Sheraton at its Best - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Federal Period Dressing Table, Fancy Sheraton at its Best

New England, Likely Portsmouth, New Hampshire, or Maine

Federal Period Dressing Table, Fancy Sheraton at its Best

This over-the-top dressing table displays nuances and visual energy executed by an inspired visionary; a powerful fancy statement. The mirror is raised on a pair of turned columns above a glovebox containing a single short drawer and resting on ball feet. The dramatic case having a double-scrolled backsplash conforms to glovebox. The cases feature oxbow fronts and half-serpentine sides; lower case with ovolo corners over canted corners on which are the turned and engaged split columns continuing to robust turned tapering bamboo legs resting on spike feet.

Item Date: Circa 1820-1830

Measurement: Overall height: 62"; table height: 33"; width: 37"; depth: 18.25"

Material: Pine, basswood, polychrome

Item Condition: Excellent original condition with original paint, any minor imperfections are trivial

Price: $5,500

SKU 539-2

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email drh@aaawt.com.

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