Children’s Mug, King Cotton Played Out - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Children’s Mug, King Cotton Played Out

American Civil War Era

Children’s Mug, King Cotton Played Out

Hand painted, spread wing eagle centering American flags above slogan “King Cotton played out” above a cannon flanked by pyramidal stacks of cannon balls. “King Cotton” was a phrase often used by Southern politicians speaking to the economic and political importance of cotton production to the South. “Cotton played out” speaks to the fact that the cotton industry was played out during the war… dead due to the Civil War.

Item Date: Circa 1865

Measurement: Height: 2.375"; diameter: 2.25"

Material: Earthenware, pearlware, underglaze enamel

Item Condition: Fine, losses to thin over glaze gold band at rim

Price: $975

SKU 232-402

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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