Antique Patriotic Themed Tray, Large Sheffield Silver on Copper Platter - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Antique Patriotic Themed Tray, Large Sheffield Silver on Copper Platter

Patriotic with George Washington, Liberty, American Independence, Unknown maker

Antique Patriotic Themed Tray, Large Sheffield Silver on Copper Platter

Large and heavy tray featuring engraved portrait of George Washington within oval medallion surmounted by star over liberty cap scroll engraved with Declaration of Independence; a sword and two books all festooned with wreath of laurel. Centering the portrait medallion, held aloft by cherubs are fringed curtains diapered in stars. Beneath the portrait is displayed a swaged wreath of plenty bound by ribbon engraved with the names of many American states.

Item Date: Likely Mid 19th Century

Measurement: 33" by 19.5"

Item Condition: Tarnished, some silver thinned to cooper on the back, limited to high spots, tarnished, else fine

Price: $2,150

SKU 232-306

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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