Rembrandt Peale (1778-1860), Letter Signed, One Page, Philadelphia, Dec. 26, 1857 - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Rembrandt Peale (1778-1860), Letter Signed, One Page, Philadelphia, Dec. 26, 1857

Peale at age 80 acknowledges a solicitation for his autograph; he states that he is, “the only living artist who ever painted Washington from life”.

Rembrandt Peale (1778-1860), Letter Signed, One Page, Philadelphia, Dec. 26, 1857

Autographed letter, signed,

“Philad. Dec. 26, 1857

Mr. Hugh Bradshaw

Dear Sir

As you desire my autograph, at 80 years of age – the only Artist living who ever painted Washington from the life, I give it with pleasure; but to render it to some service to the cause of Temperance, permit me to add, that my hand is now as steady as it was at eighteen – enabling me to paint with undiminished faculty and pleasure.

Respectfully Yours
Rembrandt Peale”

At the age of eighteen, Rembrandt Peale painted his famous portrait of Washington from life as his father, Charles Willson Peale observed.

Washington posed for Charles Willson Peale while in Philadelphia attending the Constitutional Convention. Relying on a long personal association, Peale approached Washington on his son’s behalf in 1795, the President agreed to three sittings.

The young Rembrandt Peale captured the grandeur of Washington; the artist captured the determination and the sheer physical presence, a remarkably fai onstrated a near obsession with Washington and replicated his famous portrait seventy-nine times.

Item Date: 1857

Measurement: Frame: 18.5" x 14.75"; view: 15.5" x 11.75"; letter: 4.75" x 7.5"; GW image: 5" x 6.5"

Item Condition: Fine, archival mounted

Price: $4,950

SKU 232-389

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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