Redware Jar, Lug Handles, Broadly Brushed Slip Decoration - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Redware Jar, Lug Handles, Broadly Brushed Slip Decoration

Probably Nathaniel Seymour, Harford, Connecticut

Redware Jar, Lug Handles, Broadly Brushed Slip Decoration

Eccentrically decorated with copper slip brushwork and green freckles over reddish-orange ground.

Item Date: 1820-1830

Measurement: Height: 10.5"

Item Condition: Excellent original condition, extremely minor and scatted losses to slip... trivial; displays very well

Literature: This piece will soon be illustrated in Justin Thomas's new 507-page book - A City on the River: The Early Red Earthenware of the Hartford, Connecticut Area.

Price: $11,850

SKU 1029-63

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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