Paint Decorated Blanket Chest, Six Board Chest, New England - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Paint Decorated Blanket Chest, Six Board Chest, New England

Boldly Painted, Lively Energy

Paint Decorated Blanket Chest, Six Board Chest, New England

Boldly brushed, loud and lively faux graining; green paint darkly oxidized to near-black against a tan-mustard ground. Cleated top retaining original butt hinges… th case raised on ogee cutout [bootjack] base.

Item Date: Early 19th-Century

Measurement: Height: 19.25"; width: 35.5"; depth: 15"

Material: White pine

Item Condition: Good... a mouse gnawed an entry, else commensurate with age and use; displays very well.

Price: $4,250

SKU 1221-116

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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