Newspaper: Fairfield Gazette or Independent Intelligencer - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Newspaper: Fairfield Gazette or Independent Intelligencer

Vol 1. No. 27, Published by Miller, Forgue, and Bulkeley 4 pages

Newspaper: Fairfield Gazette or Independent Intelligencer

Interesting view of early America in Fairfield, Connecticut’s first newspaper, or at least claims to be the 1st. Content ranges from tilted editorials to extracts of news from other printed sources. On the 4th and last page are Regimental Orders from the Hartford Barracks, Jan 10, 1787, for Col. Humphrey’s crew with details of what troops need to wear, how they need to dress, the need for uniformity, what badges are acceptable, regimental colors, etc. Despite the wear from use, seam separations, and other conditions from age, this is a very interesting paper worthy of being framed, studied, or simply read. Not researched to determine surviving copies, but a quick internet search found just one copy in images, and this a different first year issue.

Item Date: Feb 1, 1787

Measurement: 10" x 17" H per single page. Unfolded 20" x 17" H.

Item Condition: Seam separations, darkening in places, owner names: "Jon Benedict" (or close to that)

Price: $110

SKU 171-203

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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