Marquis de Lafayette. ALS Signed “Lafayette,” October 28, 1831 - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Marquis de Lafayette. ALS Signed “Lafayette,” October 28, 1831

An exemplary letter from the famed revolutionary

Marquis de Lafayette. ALS Signed “Lafayette,” October 28, 1831

“A great deal has been obtained by our Revolution of July”—the “American” Lafayette writes from Paris.

A significant letter concerning the fluid political events in Europe, in part: “A great deal has been obtained by our Revolution of July. Yes, there has been a deviation from the system, external and interior, which I had contemplated. The European Journals and our debates at the Tribune tell more about it than could be contained in a voluminous letter. It is probable that the five powers of the Conference, in their seeming good understanding, will prevent a new explosion of war in Belgium. I would not however insure the continuation of a general peace for more than a few months. We hope something will be done this winter to put down the ever increasing tyranny of don Miguel whose name of Monster, depend on it, has not been misapplied. When the affair of the claims, the details of which I left to my friend Mr. Rives to communicate to you, will have passed the Senate it will be my double duty, as an American, and as a deputy to talk and vote for the French appropriation.”

A poor French economy and dissatisfaction with the restoration of the Bourbon Monarchy led to a second French Revolution in July 1830, which Lafayette references here. During this revolution, Lafayette was a member of the Chamber of Deputies and offered support for the constitutional monarchy and newly crowned King Louis-Philippe. Revolutionary fervor spread throughout Europe, coming full circle with another French rebellion in June 1832. Lafayette’s letter aptly captures the mood of the time, and includes a reference to Miguel I of Portugal, whose reign of terror against political foes came to an end when he was deposed in 1834 after a three-year civil war. It is also noteworthy that Lafayette—the ‘hero of two worlds’—refers to himself as “an American” in closing.

Item Date: 1831

Measurement: One page, 7.25" x 8.75"

Item Condition: In fine condition, with scattered light creasing and several intersecting folds.

Price: $2,300

SKU 2222-85

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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