Letter Archive, Asst. Surgeon James Rogers, H.M.S. Revenge - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Letter Archive, Asst. Surgeon James Rogers, H.M.S. Revenge

Included are 5 19th century surgical instruments; 2 by M. Wocher, 3 by Luer

Letter Archive, Asst. Surgeon James Rogers, H.M.S. Revenge

Very interesting letter grouping of Asst Surgeon James Rogers, H.M.S. Revenge, along with MSS formulas for various cures mostly in Latin, a poem “The Tear” written by Dr. Rogers aboard the Revenge in 1838, and 5 small surgical tools belonging to Dr. Rogers. This is most interesting archive demanding further research.

Five letters to Dr. James Rogers to/from John Rogers, his father. All have stampless envelopes with interesting postmarks including to Rogers aboard H.M.S Revenge, Cape of Good Hope or Elsewhere. Another to Rogers on the Revenge in Portsmouth, another to Rogers aboard the H.M.S. Isis. John Rogers spares no words in detailing the family happenings throughout the period of 1837 to 1847, the date of the last letter. Two letters are addressed to Dr. James Rogers, Oakland County, State of Michigan Letters are all readable, although one is tearing at all seams and another has cross-writing on the entire surface. (twice the content, but harder to read).

In 1976, a letter was written to the Minister of Defense, London, England to enquire about Asst Surgeon James Rogers service in the British Navy. The reply is included in the archive stating that James Rogers did indeed serve as Asst. Surgeon on the H.M.S Revenge in 1831, and additionally detailed the service history of the H.M.S Revenge from 1805 to 1849. Further info on the H.M.S. Revenge can be found at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Revenge_(1805)

Item Condition: All items are readable with legible handwriting. Most have some minor condition issues not affecting the content. One letter has severe seam separation but remains legible. Surgical tools are intact. Overall, well-worn but of acceptable condition for the researcher, collector, or family archivist.

Price: $375

SKU 171-181

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email drh@aaawt.com.

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