Delft Gourd-shaped Bottle, Asian Style Double Gourd Vase - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Delft Gourd-shaped Bottle, Asian Style Double Gourd Vase

Decorated in the Transitional Ming Style, Likely Martinus Gouda, Romeyn Factory

Delft Gourd-shaped Bottle, Asian Style Double Gourd Vase

Calabash-shaped Delft bottle/vase with a slightly spreading neck, painted in underglaze blue… lady and gentleman in landscape. The upper section displays a man seated in landscape.

The base is signed. (May also be by Ary DeMills)

Item Date: Circa 1740

Measurement: Height: 9.25"

Item Condition: Very good original condition with only typical glaze wear to rim.


SKU 492-214

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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