Commander Decatur, Aquatint Portrait Surmounting Ribbon & Laurel - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Commander Decatur, Aquatint Portrait Surmounting Ribbon & Laurel

“Free Trade and Sailors Rights” / Philadelphia / Published by John Kneass / Copperplate Printer

Commander Decatur, Aquatint Portrait Surmounting Ribbon & Laurel

Commodore Stephen Decatur is depicted in his full naval uniform facing left. Script above his head reads “Commodore Decatur” while below a scroll reads “Free Trade and Sailors Rights”. Below that is the text “Destroyed the Frigate Philadelphia 1814/Captured and brought in the Macedonian 1812”. The imagery is also transferred on a Liverpool creamware jug. See McCauley.

Item Date: Circa 1814

Measurement: Frame: 13.25" x 11.25"; View: 9.5" x 7.5"

Item Condition: Very good, not examined out of frame

Price: $1,775

SKU 1121-109

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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