Coin Silver Presentation Water Pitcher, Savannah, Georgia - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Coin Silver Presentation Water Pitcher, Savannah, Georgia

Made by William Gale & Son, New York City

Coin Silver Presentation Water Pitcher, Savannah, Georgia

Silver presentation water pitcher featuring floral and foliate repousse work in the rococo revival style presented to Dr. A (Archibald) Miles in 1852 by a number of ladies of Savannah, Georgia as a testimonial of their high regard for him, both as a gentleman & philanthropist, on March 30th, 1852.The pitcher was handed down to his daughter and she passed it down to her nephew, Christian Archibald Herter, who was the son of Christian Herter, a wealthy artist and interior designer, head of the Herter Brothers.

Christian Archibald Herter was a notable physician, he published 7 medical books
and practiced neurological medicine in New York City; Professor of Pathological
Chemistry, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, he is recognized for making important
contributions to medicine. In 1905 he was co-founder and edited the Journal of
Biological Chemistry. (Much more information is available on the internet)

Measurement: Height: 12.5"

Material: Coin silver

Item Condition: Excellent


SKU 232-393

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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