Blown Glass Sealed Wine Bottle, Early Onion Form, Initials, Date… & MONTH - Antique Associated At West Townsend

Blown Glass Sealed Wine Bottle, Early Onion Form, Initials, Date… & MONTH

The engraving of this seal is excellent as is the impression…

Blown Glass Sealed Wine Bottle, Early Onion Form, Initials, Date… & MONTH

English sealed glass bottle, seal marked *M*/C*E/Apr/1700. This is a bold, early onion of great dating to the first decade of the eighteenth century, the magic “0” decade.

While initials and years are seen on many English bottles, the month is almost never included… exceedingly rare. Dates on bottles are thought to represent a significant event in the owner’s life rather than vintage of contents. April 1700 must have been a special time for this family.

Until now, this bottle has been unknown and is unrecorded in reference books.

Item Date: 1700

Measurement: Height: 6.5"

Item Condition: The bottle is in excellent condition; mostly glossy finish except scattered superficial trivial areas of gloss breakdown as often encountered.


SKU 843-456

For More Information, Please Contact David Hillier at 978-597-8084 or email

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